Suit-Up Day
Suit-Up Day

On Tuesday, October 17, Suit-Up Day took place at our school as part of the Proud School project. The children came to school dressed as bussinessmen, planned their future businesses, counted millions in maths, danced the Man In Black dance and generally enjoyed this "so different" day. And the teachers - the bosses :) with them of course!

V úterý 17. 10. na naší škole proběhl Suit-Up Day v rámci projektu Hrdá škola. Děti přišly do školy oblečeni jako bussinessmani, plánovaly své budoucí firmy, počítaly v matematice miliony, tančily tanec Man In Black a celkově si tento "tak trochu jiný" den užily. A učitelé - bossové :) samozřejmě s nimi!